I’ve been keeping active with gentle qigong exercises for the last year or so... I started before I fell pregnant as a way to relieve stress, chronic pain, stretch & keep moving despite my paraplegia. I ended up continuing Qigong lessons for the duration of my pregnancy, as it’s been so beneficial! Lily, my instructor, has fantastically adapted the lessons so that I can do all 18 ShiBaShi Qigong movements from a seated position... It’s been wonderful finding an inclusive Tai Chi company who were willing to help me! If I get to the birthing suite for a natural birth (as opposed to c-section) I hope I can practice my Qigong between contractions!
“Tara is a wonderfully encouraging and positive teacher who really takes the time to support everyone who attends her classes. I enjoy the challenge of both Qigong and Tai Chi and feel relaxed yet energised after each class.”
"Lily & Tara at JinLi have played a critical role with my recovery from Lyme Disease. Since taking private lessons with Lily for tailored teachings for my health, my physical strength and energy levels have improved dramatically and continue to do so. What surprised me the most, is my confidence levels improving and connecting so strongly with Qigong and Tai Chi.
My doctor strictly advised I had to find the best Tai Chi instructor for my recovery, and I'm lucky that I did! I highly recommend JinLi, they have shown so much compassion and kindness for my health and their knowledge of Tai Chi is truly outstanding. I am now healthy and recovered from Lyme Disease and Tai Chi will forever be a part of my life."
“I was reflecting the other day that of the scores of teachers, of myriad subjects, that I’ve had in my life none has been better than you. So, please keep on doing what you’re doing; you might just be the best thing tai chi has going for it outside China.”
“During this time I have experienced a number of tai chi teachers. Some were wonderful to watch but lacked the capacity to communicate in words what they were so beautifully demonstrating in action. Others were kind and supportive in their words but were perhaps not at an advanced instructor level in their movements.
Tara on the other hand has a rare combination of exquisitely executed physical movements together with the capacity to describe in plain English what we should be doing with our bodies as well as explaining why – in other words, what the martial arts application (and the physical benefit) of each movement actually is.
And she does this with such a consistent sense of energy and optimism, clarity and patience, that it is impossible to avoid getting swept up into her enthusiasm.
Tara connects with each and every individual in her classes. She knows each person by name; she acknowledges each person’s efforts and supports each person’s achievements. She follows up classes by sending emails with further information; she encourages a sense of community by sharing anecdotes and stories; she is always on time, always immaculately presented; always totally professional.
It seems to me that learning tai chi is like learning to play a musical instrument: it takes time but the rewards are great. At first you feel clumsy and inept, but with practice the movements begin to flow as music does. To learn music you need a good teacher; to learn to love music you need a great teacher. Tara manages to teach not only the physicality of tai chi but its music.”
"Tara is everything you could wish for in a tai chi master. She looks after the individual and the group. Tara is supportive, knowledgeable and always giving to her students. Take a class and find out."
"I started my first Tai Chi class desperate to improve a knee issue and manage my mental health. A torn meniscus and worn medial cartilage in my right knee limited me to walking only a few kilometers, anymore and this would result in swelling and pain in subsequent days. I had been receiving chiropractic, remedial massage and Acupunture on the knee for over 18 months will little improvement, symptomatic relief only. My mental health issues involved chronic stress and depression. I was tossing up between yoga and Tai Chi to see if I could strengthen the muscles around the knee, Tai Chi was my choice.
My teacher, Tara helped me manage my knee during training and ensured that I didn't injure it further. I started to see significant improvement in the knee after six months of attending a weekly beginners class. Three and half years down the track, I am pain free and have walked distances of up to 10km without issue.
In terms of my stress and mental health, the qigong and Tai Chi have helped in that regard as well. Both are like a moving meditation and have both physiological and psychological benefits. I always feel better after attending a class. I have definitely found improvement in my health generally, increased flexibility and resolution of a number of joint issues. Knowing what I do now about the benefits and being over the age of 50 years, it is ideal for health and longevity.
The classes are friendly and welcoming, and all movement is done within your physical capacity. If you want to combine movement and mediation, Tai Chi and qigong are perfect. Because of my personal health improvement as a result of Tai Chi I have now embarked on the instructor training program with JinLi, and it is my hope to teach and help people heal, become more flexible and manage their stress as I have."
Tara is an excellent master with extensive Knowledge. Tara's Tai Chi and Qigong instruction is comprehensive, plus her passion and enthusiasm is always inspirational. I unreservedly recommend the JinLi Wushu-Tai Chi school.
The Fifth in this series of workshops will continue our in-depth training in the Yang Style traditional 8-5 Form, then apply that knowledge to developing Push Hands skills.
Sunday 1st June 2025 - 10.00am to 4.00pm - St Kilda
Places Limited so BOOK NOW!
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The Fourth in this series of workshops will continue our in-depth training in the Yang Style traditional 8-5 Form, then apply that knowledge to developing Push Hands skills.
Sunday 9th February 2025 - 10.00am to 4.00pm - St Kilda
Places Limited so BOOK NOW!
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Prahran - Saturday 11 and Sunday 19 January - 9.00am
Northcote - Monday 13 January - 12.30pm
Elwood - Wednesday 15 January - 9.30am
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The third in this series of workshops will continue our in-depth training in the Yang Style traditional 8-5 Form, then apply that knowledge to developing Push Hands skills.
Sunday 4th August 2024 - 10.00am to 4.00pm - St Kilda
Places Limited so BOOK NOW!
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The second in this series of workshops will continue our in-depth training in the Yang Style traditional 8-5 Form, then apply that knowledge to developing Push Hands skills.
Sunday 5th May 2024 - 10.00am to 4.00pm - St Kilda
Places Limited so BOOK NOW!
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The first in this series of workshops will feature in-depth training in the Yang Style traditional 8-5 Form, then apply that knowledge to developing Push Hands skills.
Sunday 25th February 2024 - 10.00am to 4.00pm - St Kilda
Places Limited so BOOK NOW!
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Prahran - Sunday 7 and Saturday 13 January - 9.00am
Northcote - Monday 8 January - 12.30pm
Elwood - Wednesday 17 January - 9.30am
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