The Power of the Mind in Qigong: How Mindset can Improve your Practice

Peter Eves - Tuesday, April 18, 2023
The Power of the Mind in Qigong: How Mindset can Improve your Practice
Qigong is a powerful mind-body practice that has been used for centuries to promote health and well-being. While physical movements and exercises are an important part of Qigong, the practice also places a strong emphasis on the power of the mind. In fact, mindset is a key component of Qigong that can help to enhance the effectiveness of the practice and promote greater physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.This article explores the power of the mind in Qigong and how mindset ...  read more

Meditation - Take Control of Your Life!

Tara Brayshaw - Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Meditation - Take Control of Your Life!
"THE BEST WAY TO GET STARTED IS TO QUIT TALKING AND BEGIN DOING" - Walt Disney  It’s 30 degrees in Melbourne and in a room overlooking the leafy garden of Linden Gallery, a JinLi class chill out and tune in. As they relax, they send their brain on a high intensity workout.   With every breath they focus attention, increase concentration, develop sensory awareness. In effect, they are growing and strengthening their neural pathways, or brain training.   How do ...  read more